Sunday, December 5, 2010

Car seat

I have been hesitant to post this lest I jinx myself, but ever since the first snowfall, E has been sooooo much happier in the carseat. It's like he saw the snow on the ground and decided all of a sudden the car wasn't so bad after all. He still isn't perfect, and he still needs the vacuum cleaner sound track (which we listened to for 5 hours on the way home from Kenosha), but he only screams about 25% of the time now. It is a huge improvement. And the other day he fell asleep on the way to the mall and I was able to take him in in the stroller. I remember thinking, "Oh. This is what it's like for most moms. I get the advantage of the stroller!"

It only lasted the 10 minutes until he woke up. I just remind myself how much I will miss it when he no longer wants to cuddle so close to me all the time!

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