Friday, February 25, 2011

Christmas Day

I am now sooo far behind! I think I got overwhelmed at the thought of sorting through all the Christmas pictures, and then got caught up preparing for a couple of big events. I'll pull out a few pics from Christmas.
We went to visit my family for the holidays. It was the first time in a number of years that everyone was there! We got in quite late on Christmas eve, but made it in time for Christmas morning. It is tough to capture the true pandemonium of Christmas morning at the Coffman's. My personal fav is the naked baby Lucas.

After presents, we hit the pond for some quality broomball/skateless pond hockey.This has been a tradition since before the newest generation, and it has been interesting to see how the little ones have responded.
My family is quite competitive, as you can see by the intense look on the faces here. . . 

And the amount of effort exerted trying to stop the 5 year old from scoring here. . .

After a while, Taylor and Devin decided they had enough and went to poke holes in the ice. You'll have to trust me when I say this is safer than it looks. There seemed to be a thin layer of ice on top, followed by an inch or two of water, with a thick layer of ice below. E and I hung out with them for a while, until they broke through the thick layer, and then decided they didn't need the extra weight :)
At the other end of the spectrum were Lex and Lily, and little Ryan who cried every time his mom tried to remove him from the action.

After pond hockey, it was time to get serious about Christmas dinner. We have a tradition in our house where everyone contributes their favorite dish for Christmas. While this definitely keeps Christmas dinner interesting, it also keeps Mom out of the kitchen all day. This year, at one point, we had the kitchen filled with the men-folk.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Christmas Eve

So we cheated a little bit and opened our presents on Christmas Eve morning. We were flying out that evening for IN, and wanted to do it here. E doesn't really appreciate presents yet, but we got some fun pics with my new camera :-)
The train conductor hat from Choo Choo Bob
 Movie Star Sunglasses
 We decided to make blocks for E, but Christmas snuck up on us. I found myself painting enough blocks to spell E's name the night before. He didn't know the difference!
 Mike's mug
 My camera
At the airport. E was a doll, and was sooooo good on the flight and the drive. Hooray!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Visitors from the west

Our good friends Heather and Paul were in town from Seattle to visit family for the holidays. They have a  week old, so it was really fun to catch up and meet their little one. We were able to meet up with them for dinner one night, and then H and I met for baby yoga and lunch. As Heather said, "I never would have guessed when I met you 7 years ago in B-school that we would be here." More of Heather and their little guy to come.