Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mozarella cheese

The Andersons are back at the cheese making again! A few years ago we made cheese for Christmas for our families. We were confined to hard cheeses then, because we needed something that would keep for a while so we didn't have to make 10 batches of cheese the week before Christmas! I would say we met with moderate success - it probably wasn't the best Christmas gift ever, but cheese is hard to get right!
This week we decided to break out our old cheese making supplies and try again :) No longer confined to hard cheeses, we decided to start with a simple recipe for 30 minute mozarella. I'd say it was closer to 2 hour mozarella, but we would probably be faster next time. It was nothing like the time involved in making hard cheeses! Here is Mike separating out the curds from the whey.

After reheating the curds, they magically turned stretchy, and here is out beautiful mozarella braid.

We are going to make pizza with it. And here is our token picture of E :)

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