Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Barnes and Noble

In keeping with my storytime theme, Everest and I went to the local Barnes and Noble. While they don't advertise a story time, they do actually host two each week - one on Thursday morning and one on Friday evening. We stopped in after a(nother) failed attempt at the gym's child care to find a grandmotherly woman reading books about dragons. It was your pretty typical story time, like what I remember from elementary school and what I expected. With some bonus moralizing at the end of the book (did we have that at library story time?) The two books she read were: If I had a Dragon and The Tale of Custard the Dragon.

If I had to give it a grade, I would say C for average. Everest was completely uninterested, and we did not stay for the end. Note, this is not a guage of quality, more of his mood :-)

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