Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Red Balloon

Now that it is halfway over, allow me to announce November's theme - story time!

There are several story time's throughout the community. Most are sponsored by either a library or a bookstore, and I think I accidentaly stumbled upon the gold standard of story times with my very first visit.

The Red Balloon Book Store in St. Paul hosts 3 story times each week. One is geared toward infants, one to toddlers and a third to preschoolers. I'm not exactly sure what that means as far as an age breakdown, but I know E is an infant, so we went to that one.

The storytime is done by Sara Waters, who describes herself as a "children's librarian and mother." She is high energy, and puts on quite a show, complete with puppets, musical instruments, songs, books, silly hats. . . The list goes on! I'm not sure if E totally loved it, but I think in a few more months he will. Unfortunately, story time is on Tuesdays during our music class, so I don't know when we will be able to go again. Sara has a class on Thursdays that I think consists of another weekly story time, only with a much smaller audience. We tried to sign up, but she was full :-(

This will be hard to beat!

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