Tuesday, April 26, 2011


With no family in town, and a commitment and Saturday that kept us from traveling to see them, we had a pretty quiet Easter with just our family. We took a little trip up north on Sunday to the Franconia Sculpture Garden. We had driven past this place a number of times, and seen this from the road

but this is the first time we stopped, and it was lovely! We started with a picnic

There were lots of very large sculptures, and as far as I could tell kids were welcome to crawl on them. We had a basket of goodies for E. We "hid" the basket on one of the sculptures. Which, let's face it, means we set it on the ground beside the sculpture, and still had to entice him to crawl towards it.
Most of the goodies were musical instruments. I love that he likes music so much. He perks up when we turn the radio on at home, he quiets down when we turn lullabies on in the car, and music class was the one activity we could complete with at least minimal crying when he was very young.
 And one last picture. Everest with his new morocco and his matching green stroller.
We finished the day by skyping with Mike's family, and a phone call to mine.

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