Monday, October 11, 2010

Always carry extra clothing

You may be wondering why my son is wearing a shirt that is 5 sizes too large for him and one sock?

Everest hates the car. It's not the car seat. He usually doesn't cry until he hears the engine start, or sees the car. Because of this we are taking a little hiatus from driving, unless necessary. Unfortunately, this restricts us to about a 3 mile radius from our home. In honor of this, the month of October will be themed local options. We'll hit as much as we can within the 3 mile radius.

Today was the first day of our "car fast", so I loaded him up in the Moby wrap, and took off for Ford Parkway. He fell asleep on the way, so we did a little shopping, and went to the library to feed him when he started to fuss. So far, so good. But I had made a critical error of packing the minimum that we might need in a diaper bag (i.e., 4 diapers, some wipes and 1 blanket). Everest had an explosive poo right after eating. In a matter of seconds it was all over him, me, and our only blanket. I stripped him down and changed his diaper. It was about noon at this point, and I didn't want him to be in the sun too much. If I'm completely honest, I was also a little self-conscious to be walking around with a naked baby.

As much as we do have, we do not have a baby clothing store in the area. I ducked into the consignment shop, but the littlest they had was a 3T. So, 3T shirt was, plus the one sock that was still poo-free. Once he was in the Moby, it just looked like I lost a sock, which happens all the time anyway, and was an aspiring football player with room for shoulder pads :-) We had lunch, did a little more shopping, and walked home.

Day 1 with no car, lesson learned, and I would call it a success!

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